Saturday, 7 July 2018

Happiness on Demand - How to Be More Happy in Just 5 Minutes a Day

How good does Happiness on Demand sound? In this video, Mindvalley Founder, Vishen Lakhiani, explains a simple technique to instantly boost your happiness. For more awesome life hacks, check out the Mindvalley Tribe Membership:
Science says that, when you are happy, pretty much every aspect of your life is enhanced — students score better on tests, salespeople perform 56% better, doctors make 19% more accurate diagnoses. . . Happiness boosts your performance, increases your productivity and emotional intelligence, gives you better sleep, develops your social connectedness, and makes you live longer (to name a few).
So, what if happiness doesn’t have to be something that you pursue? What if happiness could be easily attainable? What if you could just strike it up on demand?
What if you could experience massive boosts in your happiness in under 5 minutes? Well, guess what? You can!
Here is an exercise, gifted to you by Vishen Lakhiani, himself, that you can do whenever you crave a boost of happiness. It’s a fabulous thing to get addicted to; and, it’s so simple.
This is all you have do:
1. Think of 5 things you are grateful for in your personal life
2. Think of 5 things you are grateful for in your professional life
3. And here’s the kicker — Think of 5 things you are grateful for about YOURSELF
00:54 Exercise that increase happiness instantly - Gratitude
01:19 How to apply gratitude in your life
02:16 Step 1: 5 Things that you’re grateful for your personal life
03:02 Step 2: 5 Things that you’re grateful for your professional life
03:27 Step 3: 5 Things that you’re grateful for in about Yourself
04:24 Recap of the lesson
Want to learn more about happiness? Check out these inspiring videos: Why Happiness Is The New Productivity (, How To Instantly Double Your Happiness By Flipping “Your Gap” (, and Why Chasing Happiness Is An Illusion (
Mindvalley is developing an online university for all ages focused on transformational education. We organize real-world curated events and produce programs in every area of transformation including mind, body, and performance.

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